BOOKS / Kamasutra Of Our Lies

Kamasutra Of Our Lies

/ 2013

Label: Motýľ

Number of pages: 224

Binding: paperback

Size: 130×202 mm

Weight: 240 g

Language: slovakian

ISBN: 9788089482795

Release year: 2013


  • "Mladá, nádejná autorka a jej v poradí tretia kniha, Kamasútra našich klamstiev, čitateľa upúta už so svojím názvom. ..." read more
  • "Čítali ste už “rimovku“ ? Nie? Chyba, dámy! Knižné okienko dnes predstaví knihu plnú napätia, emócií, prekvapení, ale aj nekonečnej lásky. ..." read more
  • "Hlavnou hrdinkou knihy je zdanlivo obyčajná žena, kaderníčka, ktorá má starostlivého manžela a úžasného syna. Sen každej ženy. ..." read more


Sabina accepts the marriage proposal from Arthur, because of mere despair she feels after her true love suddenly disappears. They bring up a son, and one would assume, thay that live a happy life. One day Sabina becomes a victim of an aggressive criminal, and she nearly dies. After the incident, she fell into coma, and later she can't recall the last two days before being attacked. Who is the imprisoned man, that violently attacked her, what role plays a psychologist, whom she seeks help from?
Together with her friend they look for signs from her dreams, which, in fact, reflect the reality. Finally, they unveil the shocking truth and many years old secret. Thanks to unveiling this secret, the marriage with Arthur becomes mutual mockery.

Exciting story of the woman, who refuses to live in lies, and is determined to fight for her life and happiness.
The book is partially an adaptation of real events.